
Video & Image

Tap More -> Video&Image to enter the interface; you can check the picture captured and record files recorded when live viewing.

Mobile Data Traffic Statistics

Tap More-> Traffic Data Statistics to enter the mobile data traffic statistics interface.
You can check the current traffic, traffic today, traffic of this month and total traffic. And you can also clear the data.

Wi-Fi Configuration Tool

Tap More-> Wi-Fi Configuration Tool to enter the configuration interface. You can generate a QR code for the Wi-Fi network you just connected, and put the code against the camera lens, and the device can be connected after you scan the QR code.

Function Configuration

2G/3G Traffic Prompt

Tap More-> Function Configuration to enter the function configuration interface. Slide the bar to enable the 2G/3G traffic prompt and choose the quota for the traffic which triggers the prompt.

Alarm Push Notices

Tap More-> Function Configuration
Slide the bar to enable the alarm push notice. When enabled the camera can push alarm message when armed.

Enlarge the Captured Picture

Tap More-> Function Configuration
Slide the bar to enable the enlarged captured picture. After setting, the captured picture will show as a large picture which enables a convenient view and sending.

Download New Version Automatically

Tap More-> Function Configuration
Slide the bar to enable the automatically download of the new version. When enabled, the device will be updated with the detected new version when the mobile phone is connected to Wi-Fi.

Save Device Parameters

Tap More-> Function Configuration
Slide the bar to enable the saving of the device parameters.
After enabled, the device parameters such as password are saved, so you can check the video and picture without entering the password.

Receive Alarm Automatically when The Mobile Phone Starts

Tap More-> Function Configuration
Slide the bar to enable the mobile phone to receive the alarm message once it starts.

Account Management

Change Account Parameters

Tap More-> Function Configuration-> Account Management
You can change the user information, phone number, nickname, email address and other information.

Change Password

Tap More -> Function Configuration -> Account Management -> Change Password

Retrieve Password

On the login interface, tap Forget Password? to enter the password retrieving interface.


Tap More -> Help to enter the help interface to check the operation of the app.


Tap More -> Feedback, to enter the feedback interface. You can enter your comments and feedback and tap Submit.

About Us

Tap More -> About Us
You can view the service introduction, version detection and service agreement here.


Tap More -> Logout
Note: When you log out the client, the alarm message will not be received.